AUTHOR: Tecmo RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 8 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7101 EAN: 4974365671013 WERT: 30 Euro
Hinterhältige Verbrecher haben das Dorf der Ninja-Drachen überfallen und dem Erdboden gleichgemacht! Noch schlimmer: Die Eindringlinge haben die Bushido, die magische Kraft besitzende Schriftrolle, gestohlen! Sie sind Ryu Hayabusa, der letzte Drachen-Ninja, und Sie müssen die Bushido finden, bevor der Feind ihre magischen Kräfte mißbraucht und die Erde ins Verderben stürzt.
The Dragon Ninja village has been massacred! The powerful scroll of the Bushido has been stolen! YOu are Ryu Hayabusa, last of the Dragon Ninjas, and you must find the Bushido before it can be used to unleash evil across the Earth!
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Cheat Menu
At the title screen, hold Down+1+2 on controller 2. While holding these down, hold Up+1+2 on controller 1. Keep these held down until the cheat menu appears. Here you can select your level, number of lives, infinite ninja magic, invincibility and a sound test.
Kommentare |
Ryu is back in the best 8-bit version of this game to ever hit the market. He returns home after finishing some ninja business… Killing people of course. He finds his whole town burned to the ground and his friends and family murdered. Sound like a perfect story for a 1970's Kung Fu flick. Eat your heart out Bruce Lee fans. The gameplay is good with the basic jump and slash techniques for the 1 and 2 buttons. The storyline is fast between stages so you are not reading for five minutes about something you don't care about. I remember the first Ninja Gaiden for the NES. Reading the storyline hurt the game play because it was to drawn out. It not like that on this one. What happened in the previous stage is spoken then the next mission will be talked about. There are some parts of the game I didn't care for. Sometimes when you enter the next screen there is a pit right next to you. If you don't pay very close attention you will lose a life. Also, there are a few parts of the game that are near impossible to get through. Stage six, for example, is fricken hard. It is the cave, lava will kill you stage while jumping on tiny platforms and dodging flying enemies. Fun!!!!! Use your secret ninja bomb technique while jumping with ninja accuracy on pin sized platforms. There is a assortment of weapons and some new moves that are not in any of the other Ninja Gaidens that are on other 8-bit consoles. Hang from tree branches, jump from wall to wall and the secret ninja bombs are a must to master. […] This is a classic and is a must have. I don't see it all the time on eBay, so you know it is either rare or a good game. People don't want to part with a great game that they grew up playing. I'll play it tonight before I good to bed and dream I'm a ninja saving the world…. or a Master teaching Martial Arts. One of the two. If you don't have this in your collection, get it. It is what I call a cult classic game. Any true Martial Artist needs to have a collection of Kung Fu Films and Ninja Video Games. This one is perfect for your collection. -
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