^[[mastersystem:m|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE M]]^
**AUTHOR: ** Tengen / GCC - Midway **RELEASE:** 1991 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Strategie]] **SPIELER:** 2 **LEVEL:** 36 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** - **EAN:** 5022231210404 **WERT:** 25 Euro
Ms. Pac-Man ist da, völlig befreit! Spiel es allein oder zu zweit, mit einem Freund als Original-Pac-Man, und rase durch 36 einzigartige, wahnwitzige Labyrinthe, mit einfacher, normaler, hoher oder verrückter Geschwindigkeit. Benutze den Pac Booster-Knopf, um es diesen nervtötenden Geistern zu zeigen!
Ms. Pac-Man's here and totally liberated! Play by yourself or with 2 players, your friend as the original Pac-Man, and run round 36 unique mind-boggling mazes at easy, normal, hard or crazy speeds. Use the Pac Booster button to shake those pesky ghosts.
**Pro Action Replay Codes** \\
00DA 4E02 Infinite Lives
//In 1981, a sequel to Pac-Man was introduced in the form of his girlfriend, Ms. Pac-Man. This sequel continued on the "eat the dots/avoid the ghosts" gameplay of the original game, but added new features to keep the title fresh. Like her boyfriend, Ms. Pac-Man attempts to clear four various and challenging mazes filled with dots and ever-moving bouncing fruit while avoiding Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue, each with their own personalities and tactics. One touch from any of these ghosts means a loss of life for Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man can turn the tables on her pursuers by eating one of the four Energizers located within the maze. During this time, the ghosts turn blue, and Ms. Pac-Man can eat them for bonus points (ranging from 200, 400, 800 and 1600, progressively). The Energizer power only lasts for a limited amount of time, as the ghost's eyes float back to their center box, and regenerate to chase after Ms. Pac-Man again. Survive a few rounds of gameplay, and the player will be treated to humorous intermissions showing the growing romantic relationship between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, leading all the way up to the arrival of "Junior".// - www.Mobygames.com
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