AUTHOR: SIMS Co. RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 5 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7107 EAN: 4974365637071 WERT: 45 Euro

Draculas Schatten liegt über dem viktorianischen England. Suchen Sie sich Ihren Weg durch seltsame, schaurige Straßen und höhlenartige Lagerhäuser im Kampf gegen eine Armee von Monstern. Finden Sie Dracula, den Meister der Dunkelheit, und befreien Sie England aus seinem Würgegriff.

The shadow of Dracula has spread over Victorian England. Make your way through strange and forbidding streets and cavernous warehouses while fighting his army on monsters. Find Dracula, the Master of Darkness, and rescue England from his terrifying grasp.








This game is more or less „Castlevania SMS,“ which is why I love it so much. Everything in this game, including the villain, is analogous to Castlevania (save maybe the difficulty), so I'm going to be making a lot of comparisons in this review. The following is why I think this game is so awesome. The same classic platforming action as Castlevania, you jump gaps and attack enemies while whipping masks (like candles) to pick up sub-weapons and other power-ups. Here, you use a knife instead of a whip, which can be upgraded to a rapier, axe, or cane (at least I think it's a cane); but unlike Castlevania you can downgrade your weapon, as some masks could contain weaker weapons than the one you're using. There are four sub-weapons, all analogous to the sub-weapons in Castlevania. Sub-weapons include: the gun, the bomb (holy-water plus the axe), the boomerang, and the spike (dagger) which oddly enough does the most damage. The game is a little bit longer than Castlevania, as it is broken into five chapter, with three rounds in the first four, and one the last. At the end of each chapter you fight a boss, then get some cuts-scene with text, that advance the story (clearly the game's creators were influenced Bram Stoker's famous novel). My only gripe is that the game is it can be too easy, especially with continues unlike many SMS games (though this is an improvement over the balls-to-the-wall difficulty in Castlevania). […] It's a shame this game never got a proper release in the US (though it was released on Game Gear), because in my opinion it's better than Castlevania, and I own all three NES games, and I wouldn't have had to pay international shipping on it. It seems Sega could've at least made a sequel to it for the Genesis like they did with other exceptional SMS titles. With the said, if you own a Master System you owe it yourself to pick up this game. Even if you're fairly new to the system and grew up with NES like myself you should get this game! the $20-30 US you'll spend on it are well worth it. - www.smstributes.co.uk