AUTHOR: Chameleon / Codemasters RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch / Deutsch Partnumber: MK-27074-50 EAN: 5024866190021 WERT: 75 Euro
Dizzys erstaunliche Cartoon-Abenteuer in Zakeria. Erforsche geheimnisvolle Diamantenminen, sagenumwobene unterirdische Gänge, die Höhle des Drachens und das Wolkenschloß. Du triffst dabei auf seltsame Magier, Zauberer, Trolle, Piraten, Kobolde und viele andere eigenartige und wunderbare Gestalten. „Extrem fesselnd! Ungewöhnlicher Spielspaß! Dieses 'Spiel des Jahres' für das Master System solltest du dir auf gar keinen Fall entgehen lassen!“ Proscore 92% Sega Pro Magazine„
Dizzy's cartoon adventure in Zakeria - a magical kingdom ruled by the evil wizard Zaks. Explore the mysterious diamond mines, fabulous caverns, dragon's lair, cloud castle, encounter strange magicians, wizards, trolls, pirates, leprechauns & many other wierd and wonderful creatures. „These are easily the best graphics I have seen on the Master System.“ Graphics 96% Sega Pro Magazine
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Extra Life
Pause, then press 2, Left, Left, Left, Left, 2. Unpause and you have an extra life. You can only use this once.
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Do you like those Sierra games, like „Kings Quest“, where you have to collect items and use your wits to exchange them for other items? Then this game is for you! You are Dizzy- an enthusiastic adventurous egg who has to rescue his girl and save his egg townsfolk. The packaging of this game alone makes it a unique SMS game because the cartridge is shaped like an egg! Plus, you get a cool map/poster to help you through this game! This game follows in the style of traditional puzzle games like King Quest where you exchange items to overcome obstacles and explore the area. For example- you find a key to open a door, you throw meat to a beast to get past it, you find some weedkiller to use on a Venus fly-trap so you can walk past…the game involves Dizzy exploring the HUGE world (which consists of castles, pirate ships, tree houses, mine shafts, beaches and a graveyard) and picking up various items lying around (like keys, bottles, rope, an umbrella) and then placing them in front of a specific obstacle to get past (like you find a bag of gold coins on the ground which you eventually give to a castle guard to bribe him so you can go past) This sounds all easy. But you can only carry 3 items at a time- and to reach some further areas of the game you need more than 3 items. So, basically you spend your time travelling back and forth picking up various items and trying to remember where best you could use them. This might sound frustrating for some- but it was challenging for me! You also have to deal with enemies along the way such as ants and spiders. Dizzy can't kill any of these enemies so you basically have to jump over them or avoid them. With only 3 lives to begin with you can earn more by playing sliding puzzle games. Apart from the puzzle solving- there are a variety of side quests/games you have to complete to finish the game such as riding a mine cart through an abandoned mine and being stuck at the bottom of the ocean and catching floating bubbles up to the surface. These diversions make the game more interesting. […] This is not a game you will finish in one sitting. Because there is no „Continue“ option you basically have to use your 3 lives carefully or win more in the sliding puzzle games. I can't quite put my finger on it…but this game is addictive and certainly had me wanting to keep playing because every time you play you get a few more steps forward. Like, you will find a new item which you can use to move another obstacle. Considering you have to find 250 stars located around the map and compete in a series of side events- the replay value of this addictive game is high! Such an underrated gem! This game has strategy/puzzles similar to 'Alex Kidd in High Tech World' and 'Kings Quest' but the graphics/platforms remind me of 'The New Zealand Story'. Because the game looks cartoony some people might dismiss it as just a kid's game…but it requires a lot of patience and thinking to actually move through this game alive! -
The evil wizard Zaks has cast a spell on the peaceful Yolkfolk, and while many fell under his spell, others have other problems to deal with, including Dizzy, who saw his girlfriend Daisy kidnapped and taken hostage by Zaks, and it's up to him to restore the Yolkfolk to normal and rescue Daisy from the top of the Cloud Castle's tower. The most technically-advanced of Dizzy's adventure games in many ways, it was the only one to feature actual scrolling rather than a flick-screen system, the only one not to be released for the 8 bit computers the character originated on, the only one to originate on a console, as well as featuring many mini-games, such as Bubble Dizzy and an Operation Wolf clone. Gameplay involves walking Dizzy through the levels, picking up objects and using them to solve simple puzzles. There are plenty of tests of arcade skill along the way as well, as gaps must be jumped and baddies avoided - starting with a limited number of lives, the player can earn more by completing Theodore's puzzle. Before rescuing Daisy the player must capture all stars that unlock the gates of the tower. This game was later re-released on the NES with an updated Aladdin cart version. Updates include the number of collectible stars have increased from 100 stars to 250 stars, Dizzy now walks at a brisker pace, there are small terrain differences, some item placements have been rearranged, and the inventory system has become more simplified. -
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