AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1989 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 5 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7029 EAN: 4974365634292 WERT: 25 Euro

The terrible Achacha the Great has turned you into a duck and taken your friend Lucy into the Achacha dimension. If you don't get her back, you'll both be duck soup!






Hidden Areas
When you have killed one of the bosses, stay at the top of the road, a road block will appear at the bottom and disappear at the top, this feature will allow you to explore normally other hidden areas.


Picture it: You love nothing more than to stand in the middle of a bright pink field of flowers and watch your girlfriend jump up and down like a drugged up simpleton. Sure you've got hayfever, and she hasn't even put out yet, but you love her and will do anything to be with her, although as she jumps up and down in a seemingly infinite loop, while making that squeaky noise, you're starting to wonder why. Then BOOM! From out of nowhere comes some weird little, fuzzy, green, freak who traps her in a bubble and turns you into a filthy, bread munching, oily feathered, water fowl! What are the odds?!? Well I dunno, I’m not a statistician for Geoff’s sake, so let's just get on with the review: Yippeee (note sarcasm) It’s Dyanmite Dux. You begin your surreal adventure stood next to what appears to be the Colonel (of KFC fame) with a horde of mad, bloated-head, puppies closing in on you. Right let's see what this duck can do! You punch the puppies right in their adorable chops, probably breaking their underdeveloped teeth and forcing them into their brains, and move on in similar fashion to some Moose-slugs-efforts. At this point you may note you can fly kick, sort of, and build up your punch into an uppercut by holding the punch button down, but there's no time for that junk here comes your first weapon. Ah the humble rock, being used to crush domes since the days of the caveman. Well it worked for them so let's get launching these into something’s nose! This for me is where the game begins to make more sense, so far all that punching was a flickery, touchy, affair that seemed more trouble than it was worth. So what's next? Well you'll face off against rollerblading Yorkshire Terriers, diseased looking dog things with grenade launchers and weird hoards of mini thingies and sumo pig monsters. No one can say this isn't inventive stuff…well perhaps mentally deranged is more on the money, but it’s definitely something. So what other weapons of doom do you have to fight the plethora of freaks and miscreants that pour forth from the minds of the Sega crew? Well they’re not that bad actually, in the first level alone you'll be hammering rocket launchers, the aforementioned rocks, bombs and even a water pistol will aid you in battling the first fiery mini boss. It's above and beyond the weapons that the game falls flat on it's feathery duff, punching brings on a tidal wave of flicker and the odd collision issue. But then again was this ever going to be a winner? I very much doubt it, Dynamite Dux seemed to be fated to mediocrity from the get go…I can't exactly pinpoint it but it's just…a bit….poo. Let’s look at some of the other elements though to see if they can add a little shine to this cartridge encased turd. […] A trip into all that is bad and should not be in a scrolling beat 'em up. You want to be controlling someone like Rick from Splatterhouse while he pulls a zombies tongue out the back of its neck, not some deformed quiff-sporting duck-freak hurtling pebbles at puppies. But it goes above and beyond the aesthetic and into the very core of this bad apple. It was a bad idea, pulled off badly, and everyone involved in its conception should be shot out of a cannon into the bog of eternal stench. Don your cloaks of shame Dynamite Dux development team your day of reckoning will soon come. - smstributes.co.uk

Side-scrolling beat 'em ups in which you must rescue a trapped female friend are nothing unusual. Being able to use direct-combat moves as well as collecting bonus weapons, and food for energy recharging, is pretty typical as well. Games of this type that were converted from the arcade to home computers are particularly commonplace - Renegade and the Double Dragon series are famous examples. Where this one stands out, however, is the setting of your character as a duck called Bin, and with motion having a clear waddling appearance. The enemies to fight are all from the animal kingdom, but somewhat warped - crocodiles with boxing moves and cows armed with rocket packs for example. Bin has six levels to clear before he can rescue Lucy from Archaca's clutches. - www.Mobygames.com