^[[mastersystem:d|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE D]]^
**AUTHOR: ** Virgin **RELEASE:** 1994 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Beat'em Up]] **SPIELER:** 2 **LEVEL:** 12 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-27079-50 **EAN:** 5028587040023 **WERT:** 35 Euro
Erlebe die Welt des Dragon, die Welt, in der Bruce Lee, die Legende des Kampfsports, 32 nicht immer leichte Jahre verbrachte. Die Welt, in der Du die raffiniertesten und härtesten Gegner treffen kannst, die jemals in einem Master System-Beat-´em-up-Spiel zu sehen waren. Über 35 knallharte Kampftechniken stehen dir zur Verfügung. Du wirst sie auch brauchen.... Mit drei verschiedenen Kampfstilen: Mantis, Fighter und Nunchuku. Viele Geheime Spezialtechniken, die Du erst entdecken mußt. Mit der Multi Tap-Funktion können drei Spieler bis zum bitteren Ende kämpfen.
Enter the world of Dragon. A place where the martial arts legend Bruce Lee lived for 32 troublesome years. A place where you will encounter a multitude of the smartest and fiercest opponents ever to be seen in a MASTER SYSTEM beat-'em-up. At your disposal is a devastating array of over 35 different fighting moves. You WILL need them... Contains three different fighting styles: Mantis, Fighter and Nunchuku. Many secret special moves to discover. Using a Multi Tap, three human opponents can fight to the finish.
**Infinite Lives** \\
At the menu screen press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. You should hear a chime to confirm the cheat has has worked.
//Based on the 1993 movie of the same name, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story has Bruce Lee learn that he was born in America and he sets off to explore this new land. However it is a dangerous place and must fight to survive. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is a side-scrolling action game. Bruce Lee travels through various locations and engages enemies in martial arts. As Bruce Lee, the player can jump and attack. The direction button being pressed at the time of the attack determines whether Bruce will Punch, Roundhouse Kick or Low Kick. Power-ups are scattered throughout the levels and can be activated by attacking them. Bruce has a health meter at the top of the screen, when it is depleted he loses a life.// - www.Mobygames.com
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