---- ^[[mastersystem:d|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE D]]^ ---- **AUTHOR: ** Sony Imagesoft / Probe **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Jump & Run|Jump & Run]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** - **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-27065-50**EAN:** 090451801165 **WERT:** 35 Euro ---- In the black of night he stalks his unwitting victims with the passion of a prince and the grace of a wild animal. He is the Prince of Darkness - Count Dracula - and he's cast his hypnotic spell on your lovely mistress, Mina Murray. Now you, Jonathan Harker, must nail this nortorious bloodsucker to the stake and save the fair Mina from a fate worse than death - eternal life as a vampiress. ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ **Pro Action Replay Codes** \\ 00C5 3D03 Infinite Lives \\ 00C5 3E04 Infinite Energy \\ 00C5 D2FF Invincibility \\ 00C5 3A0X Level Select (replace X with 0-D) \\ 00C5 4709 Infinite Time \\ 00C5 2001 Activate Cheat Mode \\ **Cheat Mode** \\ As soon as you turn on your system, hold Buttons 1+2 and rotate the d-pad clockwise. There is no indication that the cheat mode has been activated but when you go to start the game you will be given a level select. You can also activate invincibility by pressing button 2 at this menu (again, there is no indication that it has been activated). ^Kommentare^ //Fairly familiar territory, 1890's gothic horror adapted for the big screen many times over. Francis Ford Coppola had a go and changed a few things in 1992, making Dracula a hero rather than a villain. It's a film made into a game so hopes should not be too high, but would Bram Stoker be spinning in his grave at this game? Let's find out. It's a standard enough platformer, run, jump, attack, boss at the end of a level. Creepy castles, check. Various weapons to attack enemies with, check. Spikes out of floor and ceiling for no apparent reason, check. Standard scrolling 2D platformer of the late 80's/early 90's? Yep. [...] Not hugely difficult but not frustrating either, there is plenty to keep coming back to. This for me is always the game I go back to when all the others have frustrated me, and believe me that's quite often. I think we have a miracle here, a movie tie-in game that is actually very good. One of the most underrated platform games on the system, definitely one to be added to most collections. My copy was £3 and was probably the game I have played most out of everything I own. Even if you wouldn't normally play a game that is based on a film, you will find lots to like here.// - smstributes.co.uk //Bram Stroker's Dracula is a side-scroller platform game loosely based on the 1992 film of the same name. Players take the role of Jonathan Harker whose mission is to destroy Count Dracula by first heading to Transylvania and then London. Jonathan Harker can move left and right, jump and attack with a weapon, the most basic of which is a knife. The status display on the screen shows Harker's health bar, countdown timer to complete the level and currently held weapon. Throughout the levels question mark boxes (similar to the Mario games) can be found, attacking these will reveal power ups which include health restoration, timer increase and new weapons. Among these new weapons are axes, daggers and a shotgun. Question mark boxes can also be used as platforms to reach other areas and enemies. Each stage is divided into two sections: the "Daytime" and the "Nighttime". These are entirely different levels comparable to stage 1-a and 1-b. Harker must jump to various platforms and obstacles and defeat minor enemies throughout the levels. The end of a Nighttime level is usually guarded by a boss creature who must be defeated to progress.// - www.Mobygames.com ----