^[[mastersystem:c|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE C]]^
**AUTHOR: ** Core Design **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Jump & Run|Jump & Run]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** - **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-29019-50 **EAN:** 5020717700012 **WERT:** 20 Euro
18 Monate nach seinem Sieg über Gary Gritter ist Chuck Rock nun stolzer Besitzer der äußerst erfolgreichen Firma "Chuck Motors" und außerdem Vater eines kleinen Sohnes. Doch Papa Chuck Rock wurde von seinem Erzfeind Brick Jagger gekidnappt und wird sich wahrscheinlich in ein Häufchen Staub verwandeln, wenn sich niemand aufmacht, ihn zu retten. Da reckt sich plötzlich Chuck Junior, springt aus seinem Kieselgitter und macht sich auf die Söckchen. "Ich komme! Daba Jaba Duhh!..."
Eighteen months after his victory over Gary Gritter, Chuck Rock is now the owner of the hugely sucessful 'Chuck Motors' and has become a father. Kidnapped by his eveil enemy Brick Jagger, Chuck Rock is likely to become Chuck Dust unless someone rescues him.....A sudden crash as Chuck Junior bursts from his play pen "Goo Goo Gaa Gaa, I'll be back.
**Pro Action Replay Codes** \\
00DD 5D08 Infinite Health \\
00DD 5C09 Infinite Lives \\
00D2 DD0X Stage Select (replace X with 0-6) \\
00D2 DF0X Round Select (replace X with 0-4) \\
00DD 5E01 Invincibility \\
//A few years after the original Chuck Rock adventure, Chuck has been kidnapped. Now it's up to his son to grab a club and rescue his cave-dwelling daddy from certain doom at the hands of bad guy Gary Gritter. Gary Gritter...dear, dear me, it doesn't get much worse than that - or does it? Read on to find out if you'll be dumping this in a steaming heap of dino dung or if you'll be chuck-ling (sorry) along with the decidedly lowbrow antics of the ugly spawn of Chuck's bristly, stinking, loins. [...] One play through and you could go for harder difficulty settings but you'll probably have seen all that's on offer and there are better, more inventive, platformers on the system in abundance so whether you come back to it is all down to personal preference I suppose, but I completed it then bunged it to the back of my collection not to be seen for a good, good while. Overall it's not a bad game at all, it all works well and it looks nice enough, but consider when it was made and it isn't terribly innovative. You can't help but feel that Core played it a little safe when compared with the original Chuck Rock’s mechanics that, at the time, seemed like a step in the right direction. However having said all this it kept me stuck to it till the end, and that is no mean feat when I’ve got hundred-and-odd other Master System games waiting for my attention. Not bad, just nothing fantastic.// - smstributes.co.uk
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