---- ^[[mastersystem:b|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE B]]^ ---- **AUTHOR: ** Image Works / Mirrorsoft **RELEASE:** 1990 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Action|Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 5 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-27010-50 **EAN:** 5020026900493 **WERT:** 20 Euro ---- Es ist an der Zeit zurückzukehren... Ach du liebe Güte! Doc Emmet Brown kehrt aus dem Jahr 2015 zurück und hat schlechte Nachrichten für Marty McFly. Seine Zukunft ist in Gefahr, außer es gelingt ihm die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen. Führe Marty durch fünf Level dieser aufregenden Auslegung des Kinoschlagers. Kannst Du Marty eine sichere Zukunft sichern? Oder sorgt Biff dafür, dass es überhaupt keine Zukunft geben wird? It´s time to go back... Great Scott! Returning from the year 2015, Doc Emmet Brown has some bad news for Marty McFly. His future is in danger unless he can put things right. Guide Marty through five levels in this exciting interpretation of the smash-hit film. Can you assure a safe future for Marty? Or will Biff ensure there´s no future at all? ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ **Level Skip** \\ Pause the game, hold 1 + 2, and press Up, Down. ^Kommentare^ //The storyline is the same as the film,you play as Marty Mcfly and have to guide him through time into the future and past to assure a safe future. The game is split in to five levels,level 1 and 5 you are on a hover board dodging various obstacles,level 2 and 4 are bonus/puzzle type levels and level 3 is a vigilante walking/punching style of level. The gameplay to this game is awful,the main gameplay is the hoverboard levels where it can get frustrating very quickly.Trying to attack an opponent is almost impossible and jumping over an oncoming enemy at 100mph can prove to difficult.The hover board handles like a shopping trolley and is sometimes too slow or even sometimes too fast.Level 2 is an overhead view of a house where you have to guide a person out of a house without being caught and level 4 is a puzzler in which you have to rearrange a picture.These two levels are totally pointless because you don't even have to complete them to progress to the next level.Level 3 is a short, easy walk and punch stage which takes no more than 2 minutes to get through. [...] The game is horrible to play and on top of that the music on the first level could give you a major headache,with two of the levels being totally pointless and one level being very short it leaves you with two annoying and at times frustrating hoverboard levels which have no fun in them at all. Overall this has to be one of the worse SMS games of all time,come back Alf all is forgiven.// - www.smstributes.co.uk ----