^[[games:Master System|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE A]]^ \\
**AUTHOR: ** SEGA **RELEASE:** 1989 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Action|Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 4 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** MK-7018-50 **EAN:** 4974365634186 **WERT:** 20 Euro
In erbarmungslosen Schlachten gegen die gefährlichsten Gegner aus der Unterwelt wird um die Befreiung der schönen Athena, der entführten Tochter des Zeus, gekämpft. Du erlangst die Mächte des "Altered Beast". Du kannst Dich in immer stärkere Lebewesen verwandeln, um das Böse, das hinter jeder Ecke lauert, zu vernichten!
Battle through a land of myth and danger to rescue Athena, the kidnapped daughter of Zeus. To help you, the Thunder God has granted you the power of the Altered Beast. Now, when danger threatens, you shed your human form and transform into powerful creatures with the strength to stamp out the evil than lurks around every corner!
^Presse^ \\
^Files^ \\
^Codes^ \\
**Bonus life meter** \\
Press Up + Left + 1 + 2 at the title screen. \\
**Continue game play** \\
Hold Up/Right (or Down/Right, Up/Left, or Down/Left) and press 1 + 2 after losing all lives.
^Kommentare^ \\
//Let me tell you, this is definitely not your garden variety beat 'em up, because just by hearing the story and seeing the hero rise from his grave you know this is gonna be an awesome game. I must say, if you're a fan of myths, fighting games and platformers, then why not try this, because this may be the game you're looking for! Now so you know, this game has many "hooks". #1: The dark storyline, for there were not many games with a story like this at the time. #2: The concept, for there was no other game like this at the time. And #3 and the most noteworthy, hence the game's title: is the ability to become an amazing half-man, half-animal (or Altered Beast) First you start off as an ordinary guy, then get ripped into a muscleman, but then you become an Altered Beast! Hooooooooooowl! Werewolves of London! Pretty obvious is the fact that each beast is specific to each round( Though one of them appears twice,once on the first round and again on the last, though in a new color pallette). In round 1 you turn into a savage WereWulf, in round 2 a thunderous WereDragon, the third a WereTiger, the ultimate predator, and in the final round, round 4, a *Golden* WereWulf ( I told you they repeated a beast with different colors!). Hey, wait a sec.... where's the WereBear? OMG! They cut out the WereBear! Okay, fine. You probably don't care, 'cuz no one likes him anyway, since he dosen't have the savage, go-and-kill-them-all moves the others have. Well, you've more than likely managed to become the beast, so it's time to KICK SOME MAJOR DEMON BUTT! Then in a few moments, Neff appears (most likely thinking "Man! Can't my minions do anything right?") and faces you himself. Kill him and Cha-ching! Next Level! Now do this three more times and you've just scored you a date with a goddess! [...] Though the Sega Genesis, Famicom, and PC Engine versions are all great ports of one of my favorite games, this port is utter rubbish. Avoid this unless you are a collector or just an Altered Beast fan like myself. So glad I didn't ask for this for my upcoming 16th birthday! If I were you, just get the Genesis version. Seriously.// - www.smstributes.co.uk
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